Oral surgery is the area of dentistry that is dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries, and abnormalities of the teeth, mouth, jaws, and attached structures, such as bone excerpts, tooth extraction (included and non-included), and dental implant surgery.
Oral Surgery
Oral surgery is performed in order to solve certain problems of the oral cavity.
Extraction of dental pieces or root remains
Fenestration or traction of retained teeth
Lip Nail Plasty
Extraction of maxillary cysts and small tumors of the same or the rest of the oral cavity
Dental implants and pre-prosthetic surgery
Extraction of dental pieces or root remains
Fenestration or traction of retained teeth
Lip Nail Plasty
Extraction of maxillary cysts and small tumors of the same or the rest of the oral cavity
Dental implants and pre-prosthetic surgery
Unitary Dental Implants
Implantology is a surgical area that allows rehabilitating the absence of one or more teeth by placing dental implants.
The procedure begins with a personalized study and the use of specific diagnostic tests and digital models to analyze the patient’s bone structure and facial profile, in order to achieve the best result.
This treatment enhances the sense of comfort and security of natural teeth, improving not only the function, but also the patient’s self-esteem and well-being.
Single dental implants function as a replacement for the root of a natural tooth.
After the surgical procedure, a crown is placed, designed strictly similar to natural teeth in terms of size, texture and color to go completely unnoticed, providing greater comfort and freedom to the patient
In the absence of a tooth, or several teeth, in different locations, the most indicated treatment is the placement of 1 or more single implants.
Fixed Full Dentures
This treatment involves placing a fixed prosthesis on 4 or 6 dental implants. At the end of the surgical procedure (placement of the dental implants) a temporary prosthesis is placed on the same day, so that the patient can regain his smile and chewing function. After the osseointegration period, the definitive fixed prosthesis will be placed.
Fixed solution
Aesthetic and natural results
Improved chewing and speech
Personalized pre-surgical consultation
Diagnostic exams, photographic protocol, medication prescription, and pre and post-operative recommendations are performed to make the surgical and post-surgical time as comfortable as possible.
Surgical Procedure
Colocação de implantes com recurso a anestesia local (complementada ou não com sedação
consciente). A IDC.Clinic permite que repouse na sala de recobro no pós-operatório, com acompanhamento
constante, snacks ligeiros e usufruto de sessão de hiloterapia se assim desejar. Serão colocadas as estruturas provisórias no próprio dia, no caso de carga imediata (prótese fixa sobre implantes) ou coroas provisórias (implantes unitários). -
Oral Rehabilitation
In the following months, consultations are held to check the dental implants, any signs of inflammation, and oral hygiene care. After osseointegration, the provisional prostheses are replaced by the definitive prostheses, adapted to you.
Continuous monitoring
After the definitive placement of the dental prosthesis, control appointments are made to monitor the patient, to check the tissues, the prosthetic components, and the professional hygienic procedure of the prosthesis.
Fixed solution
Aesthetic and natural results
Improved chewing and speech
Personalized pre-surgical consultation
Diagnostic exams, photographic protocol, medication prescription, and pre and post-operative recommendations are performed to make the surgical and post-surgical time as comfortable as possible.
Surgical Procedure
Colocação de implantes com recurso a anestesia local (complementada ou não com sedação
consciente). A IDC.Clinic permite que repouse na sala de recobro no pós-operatório, com acompanhamento
constante, snacks ligeiros e usufruto de sessão de hiloterapia se assim desejar. Serão colocadas as estruturas provisórias no próprio dia, no caso de carga imediata (prótese fixa sobre implantes) ou coroas provisórias (implantes unitários). -
Oral Rehabilitation
In the following months, consultations are held to check the dental implants, any signs of inflammation, and oral hygiene care. After osseointegration, the provisional prostheses are replaced by the definitive prostheses, adapted to you.
Continuous monitoring
After the definitive placement of the dental prosthesis, control appointments are made to monitor the patient, to check the tissues, the prosthetic components, and the professional hygienic procedure of the prosthesis.
1) Under 18 years of age, when craniofacial growth is not yet complete.
2) Smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day, or drug use.
3) Uncontrolled type II or type I diabetes may decrease the implant survival rate by 6 to 10%.
4) Cardiac and vascular disease, the occurrence of transient ischemic attack (TIA), cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and acute myocardial infarction in a period of less than 6 months contraindicate any intervention.
5) Non-controlled oncologic disease or in treatment phase with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.
6) Intravenous treatment with bisphosphonates or drugs that promote osteonecrosis (bone disease that leads to the destruction of the bone and the formation of bone sequestrums).
Implant placement surgery is done using local anesthesia. This way, patients report that the procedure is practically painless. If you wish you can request the addition of conscious sedation.
A bone graft is a procedure that aims to reconstruct an area of bone in height or thickness. The bone used can be the patient’s own, synthetic, or of animal origin.
Your dentist will diagnose whether you have any bone fragility or bone loss.
Manter a zona operada fria (aplicação de gelo) nas primeiras 24h;
Ingerir apenas alimentos moles, frios ou à temperatura ambiente, pelo menos nas 48h posteriores à cirurgia;
A medicação deve ser tomada rigorosamente;
Evitar exposição ao sol e outras fontes de calor;
Evitar esforços físicos durante 24 a 48h após a intervenção cirúrgica;
Evitar fumar e consumir bebidas alcoólicas nos primeiros dias após cirurgia;
Dormir ou descansar em posição semi-inclinada mantendo (com duas ou mais almofadas)
durante as primeiras 48h após a cirurgia;
Escovar os dentes pelo menos duas vezes por dia (ao pequeno almoço e jantar), com uma
escova de filamentos suaves;
A remoção dos pontos deverá ser feita entre 8 a 10 dias após a cirurgia.
Qualquer dúvida não hesite em contactar-nos.

Oral Surgery and Implantology

Labial Brake Plasty

Extraction of Tooth Pieces or Root Remains